These are the General Terms of Use of this website (“General Terms”). Their aim is to present the basic rights and obligations between you as a visitor and us as operators of this website. Getting acquainted with the General Terms is important for you not to use this website in any illegal, improper, unethical or inconsistent manner.
If you do not fully understand any provision of these General Terms, we advise you to consult us before starting to use this website. We will be very happy to answer all your questions and clarify any possible ambiguities. We recommend that you occasionally review the General Terms and the Personal Data Protection Notification because the two documents together form the agreement between you and us regarding the use of this website.
Acceptance of the General Terms of Use
From the moment you start using this website independently, it is considered that you accept the content of these General Terms. These General Terms apply exclusively to the use of this website and do not regulate any other legal relations between you and us.
The content of this website is copyright work by FSFPAY and consequently subject to copyright protection or any other form of intellectual property protection. In addition to the text and data on the website, the entire visual identity with all the visual elements is also considered legally protected property. FSFPAY is the exclusive copyright holder in connection with this website; as a user, you are granted a personal, temporary, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to commercial use of the website in accordance with these General Terms. Commercial use allows the use of the documents on the website, among others for copying, transcribing, reproduction, modification or any kind of dissemination of the information, but only for the internal use within the business of your company, in which the documents must preserve all the notices regarding copyrights or other rights that are stated therein.
If you possess any kind of materials that you feel could be useful to us, you can provide us with them. Please note, however, that by doing so, you transfer all the material copyrights regarding those materials onto us and allow us to publish them and / or use them in any other way.
The trademarks and service marks published on this website are our registered trademarks or we possess exclusive rights to their use.
Limitation of Liability
Our fundamental principle is to try to the best of our ability and with due diligence to make the information on this website as accurate and current as possible; nevertheless, please note that all the texts are for informational purposes only.
The website with all its applications is accessible continuously (24 hours a day, 365 days a year) except in case of events beyond our control or for technical reasons (e.g. website maintenance), when short periods of disrupted access or functioning of the website can occur. Notifications on planned longer interruptions will be published on the website ahead of time.
Please note that you use this website at your own risk. Neither we nor any other legal or physical entity who has participated in the creation of this website is responsible for the damages and / or loss of profit that could be incurred:
* Due to using inaccurate or incomplete information;
* As a consequence of an event beyond our control or an event that can not be avoided, stopped or averted;
* Due to occasional non-functioning of the website;
* Due to the data acquired through online links that are published on our website but are not our property.
We recommend you to ensure suitable software protection measures for uninterrupted and safe data access (e.g. protection against hacking, viruses and other malware).
Changes to General Terms
Due to constant development and improvements, certain changes of and / or amendments to these General Terms are occasionally required. In such cases, we reserve the right to change their provisions without prior notification. If you find the provisions of the changed General Terms unsuitable for you, we advise you to no longer use the website from that point onwards.
If you have any questions or comments in connection with these General Terms, we are available at https://panel.fsfpay.com/support-tickets