Buying Coca Cola with Bitcoin!

Buying Coca Cola with Bitcoin!

More than 2,000 Coca-Cola vending machines in Australia and New Zealand recognize Bitcoin (BTC) as a payment option. Coca-Cola Amatil, the brand's largest bottler and distributor in the Asia Pacific region, has partnered with cryptocurrency payment company Centrapay. In its statement, Centrapay stated that users will be able to make Bitcoin payments on their phones through the Sylo Smart application and buy Coca-Cola with Bitcoin by simply scanning a QR code.

Centrapay; Its website lists brands like Adidas, KFC and Jack Daniel as customers. In a statement regarding the development of Coca-Cola, the company's CEO stated that Centrapay has solved two important obstacles to the adoption of digital assets, such as the complexity of integration and bad users. Stating that they plan to grow and expand their business globally in the coming period, Faury said that they are targeting the US market with innovations, a first in the world.

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